Tulsa Child Custody, Visitation And Support Lawyer

Common Custody And Visitation Issues

Contrary to common belief, the Oklahoma family law courts do not favor the mother over the father nor the first to file when it comes to child custody. Custody determinations are based on the best interests of the children. In the majority of cases, the court believes that children should have the opportunity to spend quality time with both parents on a regular basis.

At The Law Office of Joseph Ellis Thompson, PLLC, we represent both mothers and fathers in custody and visitation disputes. Our Tulsa child custody, visitation and support attorney is experienced in a broad spectrum of issues related to:

  • Temporary orders: These orders are put in place while the divorce or custody case is pending.
  • Legal custody: This pertains to the right to make decisions regarding the child's medical care, religious upbringing, education and other matters.
  • Physical custody: Parents may have joint or sole physical custody. If they have joint custody, the child will usually spend a number of overnights at each parent's house.
  • Grandparent rights: Our lawyer helps grandparents seek visitation rights with their grandchildren but also at times works to preserve the constitutional rights of parents to resist Court Ordered grandparent visitation. If the parents are deceased, we can also help grandparents pursue full custody.

Understanding Child Support Guidelines

Oklahoma child support amounts are based on specific legal guidelines that take into account both parents' gross incomes, the child's health care expenses and other factors. Child support is also intrinsically tied to custody arrangements. In general, the more overnights the child has with the non-custodial parent, the less that parent will be required to pay in support. If a non-custodial parent refuses to pay child support, however, it may not necessarily affect his or her visitation rights.

To learn more about your rights and options in any child custody or support case in Tulsa County, call The Law Office of Joseph Ellis Thompson, PLLC, at 347-730-4003 or send us an email today.